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create and grow an engaged online community on facebook.

Learn how to grow your email list using your Facebook group. Three simple strategies so you can nurture your warmest leads!

November 19, 2024

Photo of a lady with red curly hair, she is smiling and wearing a brown leather jacket with a pink blouse.

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Woman sitting on a wooden bench at a coffee shop. The women has read hair and is wearing a blue dress with black anckle boots. Her coffee cup is red.

Get the best information from your new members and build your email list at the same time using Facebook group membership questions.

November 12, 2024

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There’s still time to see Facebook Group Success! Here are 4 ways to boost your engagement and make sales before the end of the year.

November 7, 2024

A photo of a red haired woman standing against a grey concrete wall, wearing dark teal jeans, a salmon colored shirt, and a burgandy leather jacket. She is smiling and holding up 4 fingers to the camera.

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Photo of a red haired woman in a denim jacket sitting with her laptop open to the Facebook Group Strategy for Christian Entrepreneurs Facebook group.

Wondering whether the Facebook algorithm cares if you post content to your empty Facebook group? Learn what’s more important: content or new members!

January 30, 2024

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If you’re struggling to get good Facebook group engagement, try doing these 3 things every single month in your group!

January 9, 2024

Red haired woman in a burgundy leather jacket standing against a beige concrete wall, holding 3 fingers up in the air.

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photo of a curly red haired woman sitting at a coffee shop table with her laptop and microphone.

Are you wondering how to grow an online business in less time and still make more money? Learn how Stefanie Gass uses podcasting to create 7-figures!

December 27, 2023

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When you’re trying to make money online, people will only buy from you once they trust you. Learn how to build trust with your audience!

July 21, 2022

Photo of a red-haired woman sitting in a cafe laughing, with a cup of water and a pastry on the table in front of her.

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photo of a red haired woman sitting outside on a rock.

Storytelling is a powerful sales technique in your business. Here are 3 reasons why it’s such an effective way to build relationships!

July 4, 2022

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Podcasts have become a staple in the majority of our lives. They’re easily the most convenient way to take in information, and with the number of podcasts out there, there’s something for everyone. As a business owner, copy is super important, and podcasts are a great way to improve those skills! Check out the top […]

March 6, 2021

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  I take an inside look at the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy. Is it as good as people say?   (this post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase using these links, I may receive a portion as commission)     Is it worth investing in The Comprehensive Copywriting Academy by Filthy Rich Writer?   […]

October 6, 2020

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