Master Facebook groups and create a simple strategy that boosts engagement, grows your community, and consistently brings you clients every single month.

You don’t need to wonder where your next client is coming from.

The Profitable Facebook Group Program

So you post more content in more places, hoping that whatever you throw together can somehow attract new members to your group and convert them into clients. But as month after month goes by with no progress and no results, you can’t help but wonder if there’s a better strategy out there to make running a Facebook group simple and profitable.

If you’re tired of not having a strategy to grow and engage your group…

… if you’re done feeling scared and playing small with your sales content…
… and you’re ready to finally free yourself from the metrics and the dreaded algorithm so you can post what you want, when you want, and trust that everything comes together to create more money from your Facebook group…

Then you’re in the right place.

  • There are so many groups out there that you feel like yours will just get lost in the crowd
  • So many people already do what you do and you worry your group wouldn’t add any value to your ideal clients
  • Your content is getting seen by fewer and fewer people
  • You worry about what to post, when to post, and how to sell without feeling sleazy
  • You’re afraid to share your God-given message because you don’t want to risk anyone leaving your group if they don’t agree with you
  • And you don’t want to pour your time and energy into a platform that isn’t bringing you any new clients

It’s common to feel like Facebook groups just aren’t worth the time they take to run…


"My engagement is growing every month, and Facebook is starting to recommend my FB group to people organically.. When I started 6 months ago I had 35 members and now I have over 500!"

800% growth

Not only have I helped Christian women coaches and course creators:

  • Launch their Facebook groups
  • Create transformative content that gets more engagement than they thought possible
  • Grow their Facebook groups consistently every single month
  • Optimize their offers so they sell out their launches

I’ve also done it myself. But believe me when I tell you it didn’t start out this way.

When I first started my Facebook group, I had no idea what I was doing. I didn’t have a clear vision of my ideal members, a desirable offer, or a strategy to grow and engage my group. Through sheer willpower (and a bit of luck I’m sure) I managed to grow the group to a few hundred members, and I felt great! 

Hey! I'm Sarah Beisel

But I didn’t have any strategy or intention behind what I was doing, so I had no idea how to replicate those results. And even when I did get more members into the group, they weren’t the right people for my offer, so very few interacted with my content and nobody wanted to buy from me.

I was frustrated and confused. Here I was, putting all this time and effort into creating content I thought my members wanted to hear…

… following all the sales tactics the multi-million dollar business coaches taught me…
… and I didn’t have a dollar to show for it.

I thought I was doing all the right things. I was showing up, posting content at the “right time” and following the “right schedule”, but as months and months went by with no sales at all, I was beginning to wonder whether my Facebook group would ever become profitable.

I was so caught up in the Enemy’s lies that my group wasn’t valuable and I didn’t have the skills to lead my community, that I gave my group away to somebody else. 

And when I truly partnered with God to lead my Facebook group, everything changed.

5 months later when I had finally freed myself from Satan’s lies, I took ownership of my group back and it was completely dead. Engagement was even lower than it had been before, and there was definitely nobody interested in buying from me now.

I decided to completely flip my approach to my Facebook group. I ditched everything I had been “taught” to do and started listening to the Holy Spirit.

He showed me the power of using transformative content to truly connect with my members…
… the importance of focusing on conversations over the vanity metrics…
… and stepping into my authority and claiming true ownership over the gifts He gave me to serve my group through my stewardship AND my sales.

Now, I don’t operate out of fear or scarcity in my Facebook group.

And so much more.

It’s my mission to empower Christian women coaches and course creators to create thriving Facebook groups of their own so they too can create greater impact and income for the Kingdom of God.

I’ve realized that the journey I went through with my Facebook group is so common. So many women are struggling with the same issues of engagement, growth, and sales.

That’s why I created the Profitable Facebook Groups Program.

It’s a 6-month group coaching program designed to help you create a thriving Facebook group that makes you money consistently.

  • I boldly share my God-given message without worrying about what anyone will think
  • I know exactly how to grow my group consistently every single month
  • I have conversations every single week that lead to people wanting to work with me


"The last story post I did got almost 100 likes compared to 10 normally. and 30 comments."

100 likes and 30 comments

The goal is a simple system to create predictable revenue in your business.

But Facebook groups are so much more than a billboard for your offers.

And trust me, it’s something you are more than capable of doing.

I’m proof that a few tweaks and shifts to the way you approach Facebook groups will change the game for you and take you towards a community full of meaningful interactions and consistent leads.

The problem is that most people treat Facebook groups like any other platform. They tell you it’s a place to create content, sell your offers, and… well, that’s about it.

To experience true success with a Facebook group, you need to create a foundation of genuine, authentic community. Without this at the core of everything you do, your Facebook group will fall flat.

Only once you understand how to create a space your members truly enjoy spending time in can you ever hope to make money.

That’s where I come in.

I’m going to show you how to step into a leadership role and steward your group so you can lead people along a path towards working with you without having to push them over the edge.

The Profitable Facebook Groups Program is designed to help you create simple systems for engagement, growth, and sales so you can focus on building relationships with your members without feeling overwhelmed or like you’ve wasted all day on social media.

Sales gets to be natural and easy when you have a foundation built on trust and respect.

the profitable facebook group program

There are so many features that most  group owners don’t take advantage of. We’ll talk about how to use some of the most popular features to enhance your group experience.

master group features

Now it’s time to fill your group! I’ll show you how to network strategically and create a growth plan that will bring in new members to your group every single week.

grow your group

Engagement doesn’t just happen on its own. We’ll develop a strategy for you so you can show up consistently and create transformative content that captivates your audience.

boost your engagement

Before we hit the ground running, let’s pause to set up a few essential systems that will keep your group running smoothly and keep you on track to reaching your business goals.

set up your systems

We set up and optimize your group to make it SEO friendly and appealing. I’ve got step-by-step tutorials to walk you through all the tech so you can get your group going!

optimize your group

Every successful community starts with partnering with God to understand His vision for your group. We begin by mapping out what your community is going to look like.

community with purpose

Take a look inside the Profitable Facebook Group Program 

Finally, we’ll create (or optimize) your offer and create an authentic sales plan that brings you new clients every single month. 


Then we'll create simple but effective event strategies so you can maximize engagement and have your hottest leads raising their hands to work with you.

event strategy

We'll create a unique strategy to grow your email list from your group, and then use your email list to boost engagement and support your group too.

grow your email list

WORTH $397

trainings from guest experts

Take your knowledge even further with masterclasses from guest experts on topics like graphic design and business mission clarity.

Bonus #2

worth $4,000

Direct access to me via weekly group coaching calls to get my eyes and ears on your work so I can help you hit your goals faster.

Direct access to Sarah

Bonus #1

In addition to the program content,
you also get:



vip student community

Access me at any time through our VIP student community. Get support and encouragement from me and the other students.

Bonus #3

Let's have a conversation about how the program can support your business goals!

book your free discovery call

It's time to create your profitable Facebook group!

let's do this!

I know what it’s like to feel frustrated by the lack of engagement in your Facebook group, despite how much content you’re putting out there.

I was banging my head against a wall, wondering why nobody cared about my community and no one was interacting with my content. I wasn’t making any sales and I had lost hope that a Facebook group was the right decision for my business.

But everything changed when I decided to go all in on my Facebook group and focus on boldly sharing my God-given message no matter how much (or how little) engagement I got.

Today, I help Christian women coaches and course creators create profitable Facebook groups so they can experience freedom in their content and can create greater impact and income for the Kingdom of God.

I’ve made it my mission to empower as many women as possible to create thriving Facebook communities where biblical fellowship is front and center, and profit overflows as a result.

I'm Sarah Beisel.

… of tapping into the power of transformative content to speak deeply to your ideal client…
… focusing on Spirit-led sales so you can guide your audience towards their goals without feeling sleazy…
… and creating a thriving Facebook group full of genuine connections and meaningful conversations.

Or you can look back 6 months from now and still be stuck throwing spaghetti at the wall hoping that one day, your post will finally get the interaction you’re hoping for… wondering if you’ll ever land your next client from your group.

You can look back on today 6 months from now as the day you went all in on your Facebook group and fully surrendered to God’s plan for your business…

Now it’s your turn…

“Maybe you were born for such a time as this.” -Esther 4:14

But it requires you to let go of the vanity metrics and trust that by partnering with the Holy Spirit, your content will have the impact that it was designed to have and that by following your simple systems, all things will work together to bring you clients consistently. 

It’s possible for you to lead a thriving Facebook group full of ideal clients who engage and want to buy from you. 

It’s time to step into your authority and create a profitable Facebook group.


"Since joining, my group has more engagement than ever. It has also grown by 10 members since last week!"


"Sarah’s methods have given me a clear roadmap for engagement post creation and planning that I’m so excited to be implementing!"


"I now have a plan to start my first Facebook group, and I am so excited!"

The program comes with group coaching calls and the student community where you can access support. Limited 1:1 spots are available for clients. Send Sarah a DM once you are inside if you are interested in higher-touch support.

is there any 1:1 support?

You have access to the program for 6 months. This includes the pre-recorded videos, student community, and coaching calls.

how long is the program?


If you follow the program, complete the homework, seek coaching support when you need it, and put in the work, you will get results. However, there are a number of factors that contribute to your success, including but not limited to personal circumstances, commitment, ability, and any other circumstances you or Sarah Beisel may be unable to predict.

do you guarantee results?

Due to the digital nature of the program, no refunds are available.

do you offer refunds?